You’re here because you want to know why you feel so tired even after getting a good night of sleep.
There are a lot of reasons you might be tired even after getting a good night’s sleep. Some of them are mental, some of them are physical, and some of them are environmental.
more: The 9 Biggest Reasons You’re Tired All The Time
Why You’re So Tired After A Good Night’s Sleep
If you feel tired even after getting a full night’s sleep, it means that something else is affecting your energy levels. One of the most common reasons you’re still tired is that you didn’t actually get a full night’s sleep – that your sleep was disrupted in some way. Another reason you could be tired is that an underlying medical condition like anemia, hypothyroidism, or heart disease is sapping your energy. A third reason is that a mental condition is making you feel tired, like depression or stress.
Why You Might Be Getting Poor Sleep
If you’re waking up after a “full” 8 hours of sleep and still feeling tired, it could be because the sleep you’re getting isn’t as good as you think it is.
There are many conditions and variables that can affect the quality of your sleep. For instance, if you snore, you could have sleep apnea – which can cause you to wake up dozens of times per night without remembering it. Talk to your doctor if you suspect that’s the case.
more: 9 Strange Reasons You’re Tired All The Time
If you know you don’t have sleep apnea, there could be other variables affecting your sleep. Drinking too much caffeine or alcohol can negatively impact the quality of sleep you get, making you feel tired even though you got a lot of sleep.
Finally, sleep debt is cumulative. If you haven’t been getting good sleep for a while, and you get one night of good sleep, it’s not enough to wipe out all the nights of bad sleep. Get on a good sleep schedule for at least a week, where you’re waking up and going to sleep at the same time each day, and see how you feel afterwards.

Medical Conditions That Can Make You Feel Tired
Another thing that might affect your energy levels even if you’re getting enough sleep is an underlying medical condition. There are several that might go undiagnosed, sapping your energy and making you feel exhausted even after waking up.
more: Why We Feel Tired Even After 12 Hours Of Sleep
Some of the most common medical conditions that cause fatigue include heart disease, anemia, and hypothyroidism. If you suspect you have any of those conditions, talk to your doctor right away to find out more.
more: Diabetes Fatigue Might Be Why You’re Tired All The Time

Other Factors That Make You Feel Tired
There are other things in your lifestyle and your mental condition that can make you feel tired even after just waking up from sleep.
more: Here’s The Science Behind Why You’re Always Tired
Both depression and chronic stress are conditions that cause fatigue and feeling exhausted – even after not exerting yourself.
Depression can cause fatigue all day long, and can make you feel like the things you have to get done are just too difficult or impossible to accomplish with your energy levels.
Chronic stress can not only make you feel fatigued and overwhelmed, it can also ruin the quality of sleep that you do get, making you feel even more tired in the morning.
more: 5 Signs You Could Have A Sleep Disorder
If you suspect that you might be suffering from either of those conditions, definitely talk to a doctor to find out more.
this definitely happens to me esp that i don’t usually get a lot of sleep. when i oversleep during the weekends, i feel more tired than when i don’t. i thought that was just me being weird. haha
depression can affect everything,,the way you feel, act and think. even a good 8 hours of sleep will not make you feel good if you are depressed.
this is a good read for me. i sometimes feel this too. when you’re supposed to feel great and yet you feel more tired after 8 hours of sleep.
you can increase the quality of your sleep with healthy choices. include healthy foods in your diet, exercise regularly and have a positive mindset.
never drink coffee before going to bed. you may fall asleep after sometime, but it won’t be a good, sound one. you’ll definitely end up feeling tired the next morning.
sometimes, i am too tried to get up so i just lay in bed for hours even after 8-10 hours of sleep. I’ve been depressed lately and i am not sure if i have depression. i better see my doctor.
i actually agree with this. at first i thought it’s a bit crazy but well it makes sense, i should say.
i was diagnosed with a mild case of sleep apnea and was advised to avoid alcohol before bedtime and lose weight. well, treatment works because i sleep better now without the feeling of exhaustion after waking up.
this is a great article. i needed to read this and i’m glad i did. i learned a lot from it, now i know why i feel sloppy and tired even after many hours of sleep.
i still somehow feel tired even if i get a good 7-8 hours of sleep and exercise at least three times a week. my mom told me it might be because of stress and i think she was right.
be mindful of what you eat. a healthy diet will keep us away from sickness. get rid of bad habits too like smoking and drinking too much alcohol.
i regularly get 8 hrs of sleep but i still feel tired after waking up. i find it very weird. i will schedule an appointment with my doctor so my condition can be properly diagnosed.
waking up tired after 8 hours of sleep is kinda weird. i haven’t experienced it and i don’t want to experience it.
yes i clicked on this article so i could determine why i still feel tired even after a long sleep and i got the answers i needed. Definitely a good read!
i always make sure to get 8 hours of sleep but i find it weird that i still feel tired. my husband said i snore and it keeps him awake. maybe i have sleep apnea… hmmm, will check with my doctor tomorrow.
i thought sleeping is the logical solution for being tired but i always end up feeling exhausted after waking up. good to know about these conditions that can be the cause of my problem.
i know that getting a good sleep in the right amount can make a big difference in how i feel. but can i be tired from too much sleep? just wondering.
8-9 hours of sleep a night and i still feel tired the next day.. ohh what a struggle. i cannot properly function mentally and physically every time!
Gosh! good thing i always feel well rested especially after 8 hrs of sleep. I have friends who suffer from this. I will tell them what i’ve learned from this post to be able to help them.
instead of seeking out medications because of feeling tired at all times, it is good to try to address your nutrition and sleep habits first. just saying.
depression and chronic stress—these are two conditions that i don’t want to have.
i had experienced this problem before and what i did to correct the problem is enforce a caffeine curfew. i no longer drink coffee late.
wow,,this made me realize that i need to up my H2O. i think i am dehydrated reason why i always feel flat out.
i don’t suffer from sleep apnea but i still find myself tired just a few hours after i get up. what could be the factors that make me feel tired?
it is time for me to look at the quality of my sleep because i always wake up tired. should plan my sleep cycle.
this is a nice article! but just to be sure that nothing else is going wrong, going to the doctor is necessary.
glad i read this blog! lately, i feel extremely sleepy each morning despite having 7-8 hours of sleep. i really want to change this and the information i learned today can help.
i should try looking at the quality of my diet and include fruits and vegetables to boost my energy levels.
i am wondering why i still feel tired even after getting long sleep. i should feel rejuvenated and refreshed but instead, i feel even more tired. now i understand why… no more guessing.
i often experience daytime drowsiness. thanks to this wonderful article i have a better understanding what i can do to start feeling bright-eyed and bushy-tailed every day.